First Hand Empirical Data from the Field
As cultural and Social Anthropologist, I am specialized in empiric participatory research methods. I am using successfully qualitative and quantitative techniques of social research in diverse regions and on diverse topics.
Additional certifications as Gender-Auditor (ILO), as well as the studies of Equal Treatment Law (Department of Legal Studies) enable me to evaluate gender equality and equal treatment measures in programming and organizational structures, and to elaborate suggestions for improvement.
Selected Reference Projects:
- Gender und Diversity Analysis: SABAL – Food Security Program for 11 districts in Nepal – USAID; Water Sector and Gender Analysis in UGANDA – Austrian Development Agency, …
- Gender & Diversity Audits: CARE USA – 2015, CARE, Middle East and North Africa Region – Gender Audits the Country Offices of Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, West Bank Ghaza, Caucasus, Yemen and Lebanon – 2017)
- Empirical Particpatory Research – South Sudan (IOM -2017), Guatemala (UNDP, CARE), Northern Uganda – Underlying Causes of Poverty Analysis (CARE, 2012), Genderaspekte bei Auslands Entsendungen der österreichischen Polizei (BMI, 2009-10),….
- List of Publications: Download – pdf einfügen
Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis for SABAL Program, Save the Children Nepal (contracted through CARE USA):
Lead Consultant: Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis for Food Security in 11 Districts of Nepal 09/2015-02/2016 Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis for SABAL Food Security
Gender and Diversity Audit – Eights Countries of Middle East (CARE MENA)
Lead Consultant of an eight Country Gender and Diversity Audit: 04/2016-09/2016 The scope of this audit included 8 country offices (Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, West Bank
IOM South Sudan
Team Leader: Participatory Development of Psycho Social Well-Being indicators for the IOM Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support (MHPSS) program in Wau, Protection of Civilians Site.